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[AMPS] SK640 at VHF?

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] SK640 at VHF?
From: chrisc@Chris.Org (Chris Cox N0UK/G4JEC)
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 21:45:35 -0600 (CST)
Good evening.

I have picked up a brand new (well, unused at least!) Eimac SK-640
socket.  This is the air-flow system socket for the 4CX series valves that
has no integral screen grid bypass cap, neither does it have any of the
fingers that contact the external circular screen ring.

Has anyone successfully found a way to utilise this socket at VHF and/or
UHF, or should it be relegated to the DC bands?

I asked the same question a week or so ago on usenet
( but received no response.

Thanks in advance.

73  Chris Cox  N0UK, G4JEC, ex-AB0CN, ex-G8PTC  RNARS #1157  EN34jv

chrisc@Chris.Org        Ping Jockey's do it until they HEAR the burn...
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