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[AMPS] WTB:Legal Limit Tuner

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] WTB:Legal Limit Tuner
From: (Chuck Counselman)
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 22:32:57 -0500
At 8:51 PM -0500 2001/2/7, Phil Levin W2GE wrote:
>I'm no expert, but I remember a review (QST???) and the Heathkit tuner was
>NOT very efficient,  and they weren't very highly rated....

Phil, I'm e-mailing you off-list ('cuz they're .pdf files) the QST reviews
of the two Heathkit tuners (model SA-2060A and SA-2500) that I downloaded
from the Members Only product-review pages of the ARRL website.  I don't
remember any such negative statements.

I'm also e-mailing you off-list the QST reviews of some other so-called
"legal limit" tuners.  These tuners got pretty critical (negative) reviews.
Perhaps you're remembering them.

Below are several reviews that I downloaded from <>, of
the Heath model SA-2060A antenna tuner, which is the manual version of the
automatic tuner (the model SA-2500) that I have.  The RF components and
their layout are the same, exactly the same as far as I can tell from
pictures and spec's.

Finally here's a review of the Heath SA-2040, which is like the SA-2060
except without 160 meters (i.e., limited to 80 through 10 meters), and
without the built-in forward- and reflected-power meters.

My model SA-2500 is connected to the 600-ohm balanced feedline of a
center-fed wire that's almost a G5RV, and into which I put 1500 W on all
legal bands from 80 through 10 meters (in other words, excluding 30 m and
the novice sub-bands).  My Heath tuner has never had any trouble with this
power level on any of these bands, and my antenna is far from resonant on
practically every band.

-Chuck W1HIS

"I moved some time ago and had my station in storage. I decided to get back
on the air and went out and bought a Van Gorden G5RV Jr. [basically a
commercially packaged version of what I have -C.]  This was a cheap way to
start operating again. I put the antenna up and tried to match it up with
my old MFJ-901. [You know what I think of MFJ. -C.]  What a joke. I could
not get the SWR down below 2:1 except on 40 meters. I was rather angry, but
remembered my old Heathkit tuner. This baby has been laying around for a
long time. In fact, I had not used it after I put up a beam at my old QTH.
I went to the closet and got it out dust and all. I decided to open it up
to make sure that the caps and inductor were dust free. I hadn't seen the
insides of this baby for at least ten years. Wow, she's built like a tank!
I hooked the old girl up, and I can now tune 1:1 anywhere. This baby is
solid and could handle a KW with ease. I would rate this tuner higher, but
it does not have all the bells and whistles of more modern tuners, e.g.,
meters, switches and such."  -N8JVL

"Too bad these tuners are getting so hard to find. I guess the word is out
on them and they are getting snatched up. If you can find one for under
$200 in good condx, it's a bargain. I replaced a Nye MBV-A [one of the best
regarded legal-limit tuners currently manufactured. -C.] with one of these,
and have no regrets. It tunes smoothly and matches loads over a wide range
very well. I have arced it, with an end-fed wire on 160m running my Alpha
89 [a legal-limit amp. -C.], but I'm not gonna hold that against it!...
Heath really used quality components in this unit. You've got to spend a
lot of money to match the performance of this veteran. And sometimes
spending big bucks doesn't mean a superior product (the Nye MBV, for
instance)."  -K0RS

"I bought this tuner in July of 1982 in kit form. I was very impressed with
the quality of the inductor and capacitors.... In the almost 18 years of
use it has worked trouble-free. At almost 18 years old I will continue to
use it, and see no need to get a new one."  -N0CGF

"Not for Sale. I bought my SA-2060A just as Heath closed them out. I also
use mine with the SB-1000 amp with just great performance. The roller
inductor is top of the line unlike others on the market. So are the
capacitors. No arcing problems with these. A friend picked up a mint one
for $200 at Dayton. If you can find one, grab it and enjoy a top of the
line product."  -K3VO

"when tuners were tuners... when quality was quality... no problems" -K2CF

"Best Antenna Tuner Ever. What a beast of a tuner! Quality all the way.
>From the silver plated straps and roller inductor to the solid copper sheet
metal you just can't buy a better antenna tuner. Full legal limit plus. I
have used my SA-2060A tuner for about 8 years now and it still looks new
inside. No burns anywhere on anything. I have a Heathkit SB-1000 amplifer
with the tuner sitting on top. I have never been able to make it arc or
smoke running full-on with the amplifier. I currently run a 160 meter loop
antenna with 450 ohm twin lead feed into the 4:1 balun inside the tuner and
use it for all bands 160 to 10 meters."  -N4ZOU

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