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[AMPS] Watt meters

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Watt meters
From: (Jim Reid)
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 10:59:22 -1000

> For our business I just tried to buy a watt meter from RF 
> Applications.  We wanted their VFD watt meter. They have 
> a three week or better waiting time.

> Any recommendations other than a Bird for a QRO watt 
> meter that can read peak output?

Yes,  go ahead and just wait for the VFD!!  I have both
Bird 43 and the VFD.  You really want the VFD;  why?
For rapid tune up,  real time actually PEP output,  and
real time vswr.  Don't know the QRO unit,  maybe it also
has real time readout.

You are just seeing an on going example of the still
robust US economy;  especially for our upper end
"toys" for us hobby types.  Lucky the wait isn't months;
it is for many consumer hobby items.  For example,
top end amateur telescopes,  about 1 year for the
big ones.

Demand is so high,  they just cannot build them fast
enough;  probably the chips within the VFD are on 
backorder/hard to obtain/program.  For the big
telescopes,  the limit is the opticians time to hand
create the optic components:  there are only some
half-dozen of these guys in the US,  and many buyers
want the optics from only one or two of them!!

The benefit from the demand is more goodies are 
brought to market;  makes for an interesting time.
Enjoy before the Fed/big oil/Euro currency brings
it all to an end for a maybe 5 years per
some economist worriers.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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