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[AMPS] Re: Our CB Brethren!

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Re: Our CB Brethren!
From: (Phil Clements)
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:04:58 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Reid <>
To: Steve Bermudez <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Re: Our CB Brethren!

> > I certainly feel that the use to which they put this power
> >is frivolous at best but I can appreciate the ingenuity &
> >use of available resources!!
> It would appear they have a bang up good time at
> their gatherings;  the whole family seems to join
> in,  unlike some or ours.  That seems to be their
> purpose,  just having fun,  I guess.  Ever see
> a couple of us playing chess, as some of them
> seemed to be doing at their San Diego outing,
> or competing in gunny sack races and tug of
> war, hi?
> 73,  Jim,  KH7M
The web site forgot to mention the prize money that
changes hands at one of these meets. Thousands
of dollars change hands in one afternoon. Unlike
amateur radio, these guys are also in it for the money.
They do not modulate these beasts on the air and
brag of their expertize while getting 40 over S-9 reports
from rare DX. As someone already mentioned, the
amps/power supplies are systematically destroyed
little by little each time they key up due to the higher
than normal output power. The prime objective is to
collect the prize money and buy more stuff for the
next meet.

And know thr REST of the story!

Phil Clements......GOOD DAY!

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