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[AMPS] Reading Reflected and True (?) Power

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Reading Reflected and True (?) Power
From: (Jim Reid)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 13:37:31 -1000
> >Jim Reid wrote:

some stuff and some questions..

> >WOW!  You are asking some tough questions here!

Rich asked:

> ?  Did he ask questions, Jon?

Yes,  at least three of them:

1.  Is the operation as I described legal?
      Or,  how much power is actually being radiated,
      about 1500 watts or about 1800 watts?

2.  Where does the reflected power go,  back up the line and radiated,
      as when a tuner is used to "match" impedances,   or to be 
      dissipated in the amp's apparent "generating" resistance?
      Which condition is true?

3.  Are the indicated numbers I read valid?  Since the 50 ohm
     measuring tool is not in a matched 50 ohm system.  Both Bird
     and RF Applications state their units are to be used in 50 ohm
     systems.  Or,  if the indicated vswr is greatly different than 1:1,
     are the power,  voltage,  etc. numbers measured by the device
     accurate?   The indicated impedance at my measurement
     insertion line point (per the MFJ-259B) is R=20 or 21, X=10 or 11,
     swr = 2.3 indicated,  same as read by the P-3000 at linear power,
     see earlier post.

Those are the questions,  directly or implied in my post.

73,  Jim,  KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kauai

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