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[AMPS] Parasitic suppressors/another question,

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Parasitic suppressors/another question,
From: (
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 11:37:53 -0400

On Sat, 10 Apr 1999 19:15:39 -0500 bob alexander <>
>Rich Measures wrote:
>> ?  I did not state that the arcs occurred during 10m operation.  I 
>> that the arcs occurred at the open 10m contacts.  The photo of the
>> toasted bandswitch in the QST article "Parasitics Revisited" Sep.,
>> Oct./1990) shows a bandswitch that was damaged during 40m and 80m
>> operation, when the 10m, 15m and 20m contacts were open.  In the
>> photograph, the 10m contacts are those with the most damage.  The 
>> contacts are the least damaged.
>> -  later
>I first worked on an SB220 as a Heathkit tech in the mid 70's.
>Since then I've owned, serviced, modified or for some reason had
>my hands inside 20 or 30 SB220s 

(not the 200 Rich has tested).

I believe I mentioned that, not Rich. Most of the 220's that I convert to
6M arrive in somewhat working condx so I get a chance to do an HF
evaluation before stripping.

>In the 220s Ive worked on with bandswitch damage that damage
>can be directly attributed to the operator rotating the band switch
>instead of the load control while tuning up.  The physical layout
>of the tune, load and bandswitch controls makes it easy to turn
>the wrong knob and cause the "parasitic" damage.

An excellent point Bob as I've caught myself doing just that several

73  Carl  KM1H

>73, Bob, W5AH

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