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[AMPS] HV on tube w/o filament voltage

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] HV on tube w/o filament voltage
From: gdaught6@leland.Stanford.EDU (George T. Daughters)
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 09:38:32 +0008
Jon wrote...

> Got a question:  How hard is it on a tube to have the HV applied to the 
> plate w/o the filaments turned on.  

It shouldn't hurt the tube(s) at all.  This has historically been a 
way to have a separate amp on every band.  The HV doesn't need to 
be switched: you just light the filaments of the band you want to 
be on!

>The reason I ask is that unknown to 
> me, a relay must have stuck in my power supply control unit and when I 
> turned my amp off, the voltage to the HV transformer was never turned 
> off.  So I thought the amp had been completely shut down and it wasn't.  
> I discovered this just prior to the contest on Friday when I went to turn 
> everything on and noticed the HV supply cabinet was very warm.  Then I 
> noticed the HV meter still read 6KV!  It was like this for several days.

While the tubes may not be harmed, this sounds like a 
potentially harmful condition for the humans who may be around!  Fix 
it somehow, so that when you turn it off, it's OFF!


George T. Daughters, K6GT

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