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[AMPS] Re: RF choke resonates around 23.4 Mhz errr 22.4

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Re: RF choke resonates around 23.4 Mhz errr 22.4
From: (Hugo W. Catta)
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 10:20:28 -0400
I thank you guys very much for all the help and ideas  you  gave me.

One thing I never thought about is he fact that you can put the choke in the
"cold end" of the pi tank; (my conservation instinct tells me to stay away of
that mod , :-),  however it could be a way of solve one´s problem).


> Anyway it is:
> 3 5/8" winding of  #28 single Soldereze close wound on a 3/4" diameter
> ceramic form. I use the H.H.Smith #2621 which is a 4" long form..
> Series resonances as measured with a Measurements Model 59 GDO and 51J4
> receiver for readout accuracy are 15.9, 24.2 and 30.5 MHz . I have run
> well in excess of 1500W out on 10 and 12M in the AL-82 with no tuning or

> heating problems but I will admit to no testing in the FM wasteland above

> 29.0MHz.


If your choke resonates only around 700khz from the 12M band and works fine,
then the behavior of my 3-500z on 15M has little to do with the choke
resonance , (hhmmm):
20% more Ip, 20% less Ig, over 13db gain than on other bands and brighter
color on the plate.
Hopefully this coming weekend I´ll have the time to work on the QSK (AG6K´s)
mod and  will use the opportunity to remove some turns from the choke and try
to park it around 23.4Mhz which is right in between 10 and 12M.

> 73  Carl  KM1H
> Amplifier Repairs and 6M Conversions Our Specialty

Thank You all again


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