CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2022
Call: E7DX
Operator(s): E70T E74A E76C E77C E77DX E77EA
Station: E77DX
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Prijedor - JN84IX
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs
160: 14
80: 188
40: 913
20: 1773
15: 1127
10: 204
Total: 4219 Prefixes = 1281 Total Score = 17,721,252
Club: Bavarian Contest Club
Did expected more but...
low activity, bad condx, afwull WX = low rate = less QSOs
but we had some fun anyway :)
New radios (now we use only FTDX101MP) performed extremly well and we are very
happy with it. All other radios are sold now.
We had a bit slow start having troubles with interlock and one AMP, but this
could be sloved on the fly and was working fine till end of contest.
During the contest we found several other things were not working like it should
be. Inband 4 band yagi for east, was turned by wind a bit (sometime in past) and
one of dipols was bended and touching the tower. This could be repaired during
the contest. Also preamp on this antenna was broken, after discovered the
failure used other one.
Blower for fresh air into amp room also broken (still) we had hard time cooling
this room on saturday when outside temp was high.
In general we are happy with claimed score in compare to competition.
I went trough last results and did compare missing QSOs to last year MS EU
winner (ES9C) who worked allmost 1000 QSOs from UR/UA/EU.
in our last MS (2019) from E7DX we logged about 600 QSOs with UR/UA/EU.
US MS winner log (K3JO) from last year shows about 230 QSOs from
UR/UA/EU...(rest of text related to this topic is delated)
During the sommer we will be working on our antenna rebuilding project started
last year and also we will need to repair some failure we did last year
Also new RX switching matrix needs to be finished and implemented. Hope to be
ready with everything till next contest season!
Thanks for QSOs and CU in next one!
on behalf of E7DX Team
Braco E77DX
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