CQWW WPX Contest, CW - 2022
Call: ZM1A
Operator(s): ZL3CW ZL3IO
Station: ZM1A
Class: M/M Distributed HP
Operating Time (hrs):
Band QSOs
80: 42
40: 1046
20: 1712
15: 818
10: 333
Total: 4051 Prefixes = 1118 Total Score = 17,128,878
Club: Bavarian Contest Club
Jacky and I made the decision to try M/M distributed only Thursday night before
the contest. Due to the limited time we went "old style" without a VPN
network and emailed the logs to each other every 2-3 hours. pre-testing on
Friday showed N1MM+ handles imports and rescoring nicely so there was no
problem. We assigned bands per location for the time we both would operate
(ZM1A-40/15, ZM4T-80/20/10). I had to be in the clinic early Monday morning
(contest runs until Monday noon time in ZL) and needed some sleep upfront. So
Jacky was on his own for the last 12 hours. I managed to be back home for the
last contest hour. Right in time to take over again as a storm hit Jacky's
place. He needed to crank down the beams for safety and a had a power cut
shortly after. But, this way ZM1A was operating until the last minute.
Following the online scoreboards we were surprised to be able to play in the big
M/M guns league. Conditions were well below expectation. The high flux of the
last weeks gave some hope for better high band conditions. For the contest they
were well down from the weeks before.
An A-Index of 20-30 caused a high noise level on the low bands making 160 m
useless and 80 m hard work.
40 m seemed to have less activity even so conds were good. Did everyone move
already to the high bands?
20 m was the money band and open almost 24 hours.
15 m was a bit up and down, good at times but, also had periods when signals
almost vanished.
10 m was disappointing. We worked mainly NA & AS. A handful EU's via long
At times signals had strong Aurora flattering and echo's. Very noticeable for
signals from UK, Scandinavia and Northern Europe. Running high speed under those
conditions only causes unnecessary repeats. I always wonder if that is a one-way
In the end the contest was good fun and we may try/extend this again.
One can say for sure there were only a few multi operator activities under ZM1A
the last few years. I got greeted as Jacky at least a hundred times.
Thank you all for the QSO's and hope to work you again soon.
Holger-ZL3IO & Jacky-ZL3CW (who is still waiting for the power to return)
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