CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: CR6K
Operator(s): CT1ILT
Station: CR6K
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 437 13 64
80: 719 24 96
40: 1942 38 121
20: 2077 35 115
15: 1522 34 114
10: 63 12 23
Total: 6760 156 533 Total Score = 9,096,178
Finally WRTC qualifations are over. These were 2 very intense years, 16 flights
from France to Portugal to make 16 contests to try to qualificate for WRTC...
over 38400km in air plane and over 4500km driving...
For the last 3 contest WAG, CQ WW SSB, CQ WW CW, we decided to completely
dismantle the station and start from scratch but now with proper HFTA and MMANA
modelisation of every antenna and tower. We started in May and finished in
Novemeber just before the contest. Almost all hardware was built in Portugal by
my dad CT1CJJ and his team (Mr. Eduardo, Mr. Arlindo) and my mom Celeste who was
always present! A new square 20m crankup and tilt tower was built by them from 0
and in 3 month it was up and tilting... what an amazing job!
We decided to put all switching boxes outside the schack and so, a new
arduino-based system with touch screens was develloped by me to control
everything. All the switching boxes were put in a ventilated metallic closet
(made by my girl friend's father, Mr. Carlos).
I have to mention also the precious help of my good friend Imanol EC2DX, who
was always available for all the technical advice.
Due to the lack of space, the station was projected with 2 towers, one beeing
the EU TOWER and the other the NA TOWER.
7 month of intense antenna work resulted in:
16 element tribander @ 20mH
2 element 40m @ 24mH
80m dipole with apex @20mH
3x 11 element tribander stacked over NA with top rotating
4 element 40m
In the woods we also have:
40m - 3 element wire YAGI fixed to NA
80m - 2 element Phased vertical (EAST - WEST)
160m - dipole @ 17mH
160m - TOP LOADED vertical
As fot the RX antennas we have 6 beverages with several lengths that go into a
system made by buddy Jerome F4AJS that allows each one of the bevs to be shared
by 4 radios and each of the bevs has it's own preamp.
Finally, I have to thank from deep in my heart my entire familly: Ana CR7ADN,
my girlfriend, for being there all the time for me, and letting me persuite
with this so crazy hobby and to try to qualify once more for WRTC, my Dad
CT1CJJ for all his intense work all these years and my mom Celeste for all her
support (especially laying down lots of kilometers of radials on the
Pictures of the station are available at https://www.qrz.com/db/CR6K
73's CU guys soon
Filipe LOPES
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