Ohio QSO Party
Call: OM2VL
Operator(s): OM2VL
Station: OM8A
Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Okoc
Operating Time (hrs):
Band CW Qs Ph Qs
80: 1
40: 50 33
20: 29 55
15: 2 7
Total: 82 95 CW Mults = 46 Ph Mults = 52 Total Score = 25,382
2 QSO parties were on this weekend: Kansas and Ohio. Also YO DX contest on
CW/SSB and SCC RTTY contest. During the whole week I was thinking about which
QP party to take part in. There were three possibilities
1. Kansas
2. Ohio
3. Kansas and Ohio
KSQP had started 2 hours earlier so I began making QSO on this party. As to
make Kansas stations is more difficult I thought I will do it during the Ohio
party, so the same time two parties. Because from Kansas I have confirmed only
ten counties I paid more attention to Kansas stations. As I took part in two
parties, it is not possible to win any of them. I think I missed many mobiles
from OH when I made contacts with mobiles from Kansas รข?" backwards was the
The QRM from European stations in contests was terrible, so it was hard to
found mobiles around 14,040. On 7mhz around 7040 it was impossible to hear any
station because of RTTY. Despite of all these facts my score is not so bad.
Worked 46 multis on CW and 52 multis on SSB, total 61 different counties.
Top QSOs:
K8MR/M 27/16 (QSO/Cty)
W1NN/8 11/8
WB8JUI 8/3
K9NW 5/1
W9MSE 4/4
AE8M/M 3/3
Thanks for the QSOs. Please your QSLs for my US County award.
Congrats to DL2HBX for nice score!
73 Laci OM2VL
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