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To: 3830@contesting.com
Subject: [3830] ARRLDX SSB NK7U M/S HP
From: webform@b41h.net
Reply-to: nk7u@nk7u.com
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 16:15:45 -0800
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: NK7U
Operator(s): NK7U, K7ZO, W7ZRC, N7WR
Station: NK7U

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Oregon
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   17    16
   80:  137    51
   40:  554    80
   20:  754   105
   15:  833   107
   10:  123    42
Total: 2460   401  Total Score = 2,908,854

Club: Willamette Valley DX Club


Well that was serious fun and barring a better score somewhere in W7-land this
should retire the second oldest US record in the ARRL SSB contest. After just
falling short last year of K7SP's 1981 M/S record we powered well past it this
year. This also should put NK7U in the books as holding the W7 M/S, M/2, and
M/M records all at the same time. 

I am sure there will be some great stories and unbelievable scores written
about this year's contest. I am equally sure one of the common theme's will be
â??The Return of 10 Metersâ??. For NK7U our 10M highlights were:

* Three Europe mults: CT, F, and EA â?" the last time we worked EU on 10M was
* 42 total mults â?" low for sure compared to those on the as coast but the
most for us since 2004
* 123 total qsos â?" the most since 2003
* 14 JA QSO's including a tantalizing 10 minute mini run on Saturday afternoon.
We managed to work 1 JA in the recent ARRL CW contest and another 1 last fall in
CQWW SSB so the trend is heading in the right direction for sure.

Beyond this some of our band highlights were:

If 10M is in good shape so should 15 and we had great results on 15 relative to
the past years, especially toward Europe. We had reasonable opening on Saturday
but Sunday was by far better with a strong 3  hour opening. W7ZRC was at the
controls on Sunday and powered through the beehive of calling stations. Though
frustrating for sure to have 5-10 100W stations calling you at the same time it
certainly is better than the alternative of no one calling at all. The last time
we had DXCC on 15M was in 2004 and that last time we had this many QSO's.  

20M was also in good shape though with 15M being so good we spent much less
time on it and our QSO's were down from last year. In our case the Saturday
morning Europe opening was better than Sunday's. At one point we somehow
managed to camp out on 14153 and K7ZO had a great time with a 140+ hour â?"
certainly one of the memorable 20M efforts for him.

Though you always feel 40M is a struggle and just beats you up we did pretty
well this year thanks to NK7U's long nights at the mic that left him with a
"Two Alieve headache". For us we have to work Europe for the mults and Japan
for the QSO's. Friday night was not great into Europe but things got better on
Saturday and our mult total picked up nicely. There were plenty of JA's on the
band as always and we thank them for their participation. 

Was a little above average for us this year. Again the QSO's were thanks to
NK7U's long nights at the mic. We had a nice little opening into Europe on
Saturday night at their dawn that rewarded us with many mults and happy
operators thanking us for â??First W7â?? and â??First Oregonâ??

Clearly a below average contest for us though we never expect much. For most of
Friday night and early Saturday if was like there was an RF curtain between us
and the expected Carribean mults. This might have been caused by the storms
across the eastern part of the country. There literally was not a signal on the
band â?" other than the K3LR beacon. :) Finally later in the evening on Saturday
we began hearing again and put a few QSO's in the log. A UA0 at our dawn on
Sunday was a pleasant surprise.

Thanks again everyone for the QSO's. Our QSO and Country history in recent
contests is below along with usual numbers from this year's contest.

Scott/K7ZO for NK7U and W7ZRC.

       160m Q/C  80m Q/C  40m Q/C  20m Q/C   15m Q/C    10m Q/C
2011       17/16   137/51   554/80   754/105   833/107   123/42
2010       27/21   103/42   638/88  1156/109   323/69     30/8
2009       20/16   161/49   259/66   960/119   152/45      3/2
2008 No operation -- moving QTH's
2007       24/19   170/60   250/61   979/116   274/58      7/3
2006 No operation~
2005       23/18   129/42   401/75   872/118   580/95    117/39
2004       20/15   169/63   452/89  1117/118   997/113   108/44  
2003       13/11   107/41   382/74   663/112  1206/111   271/74  
2002        8/7     43/25   348/60   667/106  1402/124  1308/112 

          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    3V                                   1              1
    3W                                   1              1
    5X                            1      1              2
    6W                                   1              1
    8P       1      2      1      1      2      1       8
    9A                     1      9     11             21
    9K                            1                     1
   9M6              1      2      1      2              6
    9V                     1             1              2
    9Y                            1      1              2
    A7                            1                     1
    BV                     1      1      3              5
    BY              1      5     10      9             25
    C6       1      2      2      1      2      1       9
    CE              1      2     10      4      4      21
   CE9                     1      2                     3
    CM              3      3      1      1      1       9
    CN                                   1              1
    CT              1      1      2      5      1      10
   CT3              1                    2              3
    CU       1      1                    1              3
    CX              1      1      1      3      3       9
    DL                           48     66            114
    DU              1     17      3      7             28
  E5/s                     2      1      1      1       5
    E7                     1      3      4              8
    EA                     4     16     44      1      65
   EA6                            1      1              2
   EA8              2      1      2      4      1      10
    EI                     1      6      9             16
    ER                                   1              1
    ES                            4                     4
    EU                            4      5              9
    EX                            2                     2
    EY                            1                     1
     F              1      2     17     30             50
    FG              1                                   1
    FM       1      3      1      1      3      2      11
    FO                                          1       1
    FY                                   1      1       2
     G                     1     17     39             57
    GD                            2      2              4
    GI                            3      5              8
    GM              1            10      9             20
    GW              1             3      4              8
    H4                                   1              1
    HA                     2      5      6             13
    HB                     1      7      3             11
    HC                     1      2                     3
    HH                     1             2              3
    HI       1      2      2      2      3             10
    HK              1      2      3      2      1       9
    HL                     2      3      9             14
    HR       1      1             2      2      1       7
    HS                     1      2      1              4
    HZ                            1                     1
     I                     4     38     52             94
    IS                                   1              1
    J7              1             1      1      1       4
    J8              1      1      1      1      1       5
    JA             57    301    141    246     14     759
     K       1      2      7     21      7             38
   KG4                     1             1              2
   KH2              2      2      1      2      1       8
   KH6              2     11      7      7      1      28
   KH9                     1                            1
    KL       1      4      3     20     12             40
   KP2       1      3      1      3      2      2      12
   KP4              2      2      2      2      1       9
    LA                     1      5      3              9
    LU              3      7     15     13     24      62
    LX                            2      2              4
    LY                            8                     8
    LZ                     1      2      1              4
    OA              1      1      1      1      1       5
    OE                     1      5      7             13
    OH                     1     11      3             15
    OK                            8      3             11
    OM                            4      2              6
    ON              1            19     18             38
    OX                            1                     1
    OZ                            4      8             12
    P2                     1             1              2
    P4       1      3      3      3      3      3      16
    PA                     1     24     14             39
   PJ2       1      1      1      1      1      1       6
   PJ4       1      1      1      1      1      1       6
   PJ7              1      1      1      1      1       5
    PY              3      7     19     20     32      81
    PZ              1      1      1      1      1       5
    S5                     1      6      4             11
    SM                     1     18      4             23
    SP              1      1     13      8             23
    ST                                   1              1
    SV                            1      6              7
   SV9                     1      1                     2
    TF                            1      2              3
    TG       1      1      1      1      1      1       6
    TI       2      2      2      2      2      1      11
    TK                            1      2              3
    UA                     3     44                    47
   UA2                            1      1              2
   UA9       1      4      7     33     10      1      56
    UN                            9                     9
    UR                     3     21      4             28
    V2       1      1      1      1      1      1       6
    V3              1      1      1      1      1       5
    V4                     1      1      1      1       4
    V5                            1      1      1       3
    V8                     2                            2
    VE                            3      1              4
    VK                    65      4      1             70
  VP2E                     1      1      1      1       4
  VP2M              1                    1      1       3
   VP5       1      1      1      1      1      1       6
   VP9              1      1      1      1              4
    VR                     1      1      1              3
    VU                            1                     1
    XE              4      6      3      3      6      22
    XU                                   2              2
    YB              1     16      1      9             27
    YL                            3                     3
    YN                                   1              1
    YO                     1      8      7             16
    YS                     1                            1
    YU              1      1      3      1              6
    YV              1      5      3      5      1      15
    Z3                            1                     1
    ZF                     1                            1
    ZL              2     10      3      3      1      19
    ZP                            1      1              2
    ZS                     1                            1

QSO/DX by hour and band

 Hour     160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm  

D1-0000Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   75/17   --+--   75/17     75/17  
D1-0100Z    -       -       -     34/11   29/3      -     63/14    138/31  
D1-0200Z    -       -       -     94/14     -       -     94/14    232/45  
D1-0300Z    -       -      7/6    47/4      -       -     54/10    286/55  
D1-0400Z    -       -     36/19     -       -       -     36/19    322/74  
D1-0500Z    -       -     16/12     -       -       -     16/12    338/86  
D1-0600Z    -      7/6    10/7      -       -       -     17/13    355/99  
D1-0700Z    -       -     17/5      -       -       -     17/5     372/104 
D1-0800Z   4/4    10/10    2/0    --+--   --+--   --+--   16/14    388/118 
D1-0900Z    -     10/6    31/4      -       -       -     41/10    429/128 
D1-1000Z    -       -    112/4      -       -       -    112/4     541/132 
D1-1100Z   1/1    23/6     7/0      -       -       -     31/7     572/139 
D1-1200Z    -      9/1    21/0      -       -       -     30/1     602/140 
D1-1300Z    -       -     55/4      -       -       -     55/4     657/144 
D1-1400Z    -      1/0    10/1    22/17     -       -     33/18    690/162 
D1-1500Z    -       -       -     74/15    2/2      -     76/17    766/179 
D1-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--  138/8     5/5    --+--  143/13    909/192 
D1-1700Z    -       -       -      6/1    74/30    4/4    84/35    993/227 
D1-1800Z    -       -       -       -     79/12    8/7    87/19   1080/246 
D1-1900Z    -       -       -     36/9    10/6    13/4    59/19   1139/265 
D1-2000Z    -       -       -     34/4      -      8/3    42/7    1181/272 
D1-2100Z    -       -       -     13/0    30/5     4/4    47/9    1228/281 
D1-2200Z    -       -       -       -     46/1    16/6    62/7    1290/288 
D1-2300Z    -       -       -      9/9    31/1    14/0    54/10   1344/298 
D2-0000Z  --+--   --+--    3/3     4/4    87/3    --+--   94/10   1438/308 
D2-0100Z    -       -      3/3    37/2      -       -     40/5    1478/313 
D2-0200Z    -       -      3/2    59/2      -       -     62/4    1540/317 
D2-0300Z    -      3/2    11/2    17/0      -       -     31/4    1571/321 
D2-0400Z   1/1     2/0    10/1     6/0      -       -     19/2    1590/323 
D2-0500Z   2/2    15/7     1/1      -       -       -     18/10   1608/333 
D2-0600Z   5/5     7/4      -       -       -       -     12/9    1620/342 
D2-0700Z   3/2     5/4     4/3      -       -       -     12/9    1632/351 
D2-0800Z  --+--    8/1    --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    8/1    1640/352
D2-0900Z    -       -     96/1      -       -       -     96/1    1736/353 
D2-1000Z    -     32/3     9/0      -       -       -     41/3    1777/356 
D2-1100Z   1/0     6/1     5/0      -       -       -     12/1    1789/357 
D2-1200Z    -       -     34/0      -       -       -     34/0    1823/357 
D2-1300Z    -      1/0    51/2     2/2      -       -     54/4    1877/361 
D2-1400Z   1/1      -      7/0    23/0      -       -     31/1    1908/362 
D2-1500Z    -       -       -     57/1      -       -     57/1    1965/363 
D2-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   20/0    67/10    1/1    88/11   2053/374 
D2-1700Z    -       -       -       -    115/4     3/3   118/7    2171/381 
D2-1800Z    -       -       -       -     79/1     7/4    86/5    2257/386 
D2-1900Z    -       -       -     22/0     9/3    13/4    44/7    2301/393 
D2-2000Z    -       -       -     12/1     8/0    29/0    49/1    2350/394 
D2-2100Z    -       -       -       -     33/3     1/0    34/3    2384/397 
D2-2200Z    -       -       -     12/1    23/0     1/1    36/2    2420/399 
D2-2300Z    -       -       -       -     39/1     1/1    40/2    2460/401 

Total:    18/16  139/51  561/80  778/105 841/107 123/42

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