2010 DLDC RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 14Jun2010
NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest
sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector
via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.
Submit logs by: Aug 1, 2010
E-mail logs to: dldc@drcg.de
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/
73 dink
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
DJ3IW 407 4442 167 5 19 3,709,070 DRCG
K4WW 300 4071 108 5 15 2,198,340 Derby City DX Associ
VA1CHP 293 3182 100 5 1,511,450 MCC
W1BYH 255 2958 88 5 13 1,301,520 YCCC
W6WRT 230 3913 79 4 9 1,236,508
AL9A 219 3697 65 5 10:19 1,201,525
K0KX 250 2849 84 5 11 1,196,580 MWA
F5CQ 258 2766 86 5 7 1,189,380 Les Nouvelles DX
ZM2B(ZL2BR) 121 4725 55 4 20 1,040,700
K8UT 116 1428 57 4 325,584
AI9T 112 1373 51 5 3 315,790 SMC
W6SX 121 1587 42 4 266,616 NCCC
DL4ME 163 851 73 4 4.5 248,492 RR DX
VA7ST 97 1442 42 4 6 242,256
KH6GMP 50 989 22 5 24 98,900
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
SV1BDO/3 336 3017 123 3 14:51 1,113,273
K1IB 82 1037 51 5 238,510 YCCC
WB2RHM/2 119 1212 45 4 12 218,160
N1JM 40 368 20 4 29,440
W5JBO 41 274 20 4 2:45 25,208
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
DL3TD 310 3185 126 5 6 2,006,550 DRCG
OH8A(OH8WW) 251 2580 89 6 6 1,377,720
YL5T(YL3DQ) 285 2649 99 5 6 1,311,256 Latvian CC
N6AR 221 2674 79 5 6 1,056,230
OH2BBT 222 1460 91 5 664,300
K4GMH 137 1668 68 5 3 567,120 PVRC
AA3B 166 2196 62 4 3.5 544,608 FRC
W1ZD/7 131 1988 39 5 6 387,660 Arizona Outlaws Cont
W1AJT 97 1286 53 5 4.5 340,790 CCO
AB4GG 63 413 29 2 2.25 23,954 TCG
AA8LL 30 382 20 3 2 22,920 SWODXA
KK5OQ 102 1144 40 5 1,144
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cnt hr Score Club
DJ6JH 154 835 70 3 6 175,350 DRCG
E72W 102 962 35 4 134,680
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