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[3830] WPX CW P40A(KK9A) SOAB LP

To: 3830@contesting.com, john@p40a.com
Subject: [3830] WPX CW P40A(KK9A) SOAB LP
From: webform@b4h.net
Reply-to: john@p40a.com
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 18:29:15 -0700
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: P40A
Operator(s): KK9A
Station: P40A

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Aruba
Operating Time (hrs): 36

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   52
   40:  862
   20: 1412
   15:  260
   10:    0
Total: 2586  Prefixes = 823  Total Score = 8,500,000



While many areas of the world experienced good conditions during this contest,
propagation was poor from South America.  I never heard much of an opening on
10m and I did not make any contacts there.  15m was open a little, however few
stations answered my calls.  This was disappointing as I usually have very good
rates on this band when running low power, especially when beaming the U.S. in
the afternoon.  20m was poor in the morning, however it did open nicely into
Europe and the U.S. during the afternoon.  This band was the only real usable
daytime band for me and it was also open well past sunset.   At night, 40m was
in good shape into Europe and the US and I wish that I had spent a little more
time there.  80m was very noisy.   During the last hours of the contest I heard
static crashes from a nearby storm.  Fortunately the storm never passed though
Aruba and the noise was just a nuisance forcing me to ask for repeats
occasionally.  There is a lot of strategy needed to do well in the WPX contest.
 While I am quite happy with my score, had I managed my off times differently I
could have done even better.   I really did not expect conditions to be so bad
once the sun came up.  Instead of studying the bands prior to the contest, I
enjoyed ArubaĆ¢??s attractions with my wife, Leslie.  We had a great time
snorkeling and feeding bread to the fish at Baby Beach while taking underwater
pictures.  The fish are quite tame and ate the food right out of our hands.  We
also spent some time on Palm Beach near the hotels and we enjoyed dining out at
some of the local restaurants.  This was a fun trip!  Thanks for the QSOs,
especially the 464 stations that worked me on multiple bands.  I would also
like to thank Tim, WD9DZV for doing a fantastic job of organizing my logs and
quickly answering all of the QSL cards.   Please QSL via WD9DZV.

John KK9A / P40A

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