ARRL DX Contest, CW
Call: N4TZ/9
Operator(s): N4TZ
Station: N4TZ/9
Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs):
Band QSOs Mults
160: 62 38
80: 152 62
40: 245 73
20: 832 85
15: 58 27
10: 6 4
Total: 1355 289 Total Score = 1,172,184
Club: Society of Midwest Contesters
The Continent List pretty much summarizes the Lows and Highs:
Continent List ARRL DX CW 2008 N4TZ/9
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL
--- -- -- -- -- -- ---
USA calls = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VE calls = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N.A. calls = 15 18 22 28 18 0 101
S.A. calls = 3 7 20 23 30 6 89
Euro calls = 39 112 176 736 0 0 1063
Afrc calls = 2 4 6 15 1 0 28
Asia calls = 0 0 1 8 0 0 9
JA calls = 0 1 6 18 0 0 25
Ocen calls = 3 10 14 4 9 0 40
Total calls = 62 152 245 832 58 6 1355
NO Europeans heard on 15 meters despite continually tuning
on the second radio. The second radio's primary use came
Sunday to check out heavy QRN! There was heavy QRN starting
about 1800z and continuing on and off until about 2000.
Unlike the earlier precipitation QRN around 1000-1200z
which was workable by using the beverages (or lower
antennas on the tower), the afternoon static was S9++
on all antennas. The only time I had heard that widespread
problem before was when a tornado passed a couple of miles
from my house in the 2002 CQWW contest. I checked
the local tv stations but no warnings were posted. It was
pretty windy, but not raining this time. In fact, when the
heavy rain started at 1919z the noise went down on the
lower antennas and the beverages so I was able to start
working people again.
It's pretty hard for me to make productive use of the second
radio when only one band is really open (20 during the day,
40 at night). With low power I can't reliably work a weak
station on the second radio in one or even two calls. TR
shows only 37 second radio QSOs completed. This past year
I have been only able to use one hand to tune a radio so
I need to have a run frequncy to make use of the second
I got the new QST telling me the first sunspot has been
noted for the new cycle. Things will get awfully boring
in the fone weekend without 15 & 10 and tuning those same
100 guys calling CQ on 20 all weekend long. But, I expect
to be at it again. It sure is more interesting than the
relative certainty of even a dial-up internet connection.
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