Ukrainian DX Contest
Callsign : F5CVI
Loc./DXCC/Cont. : / F / EU
Category : Single Op. / All Band
Mode : RTTY
Club Competition :
Power : LOW 100 Watt
Contest Date : 02.NOV 2003
Default Exchange : 599
Operating Time : 6:18 h
Software : RCKRtty V3.01
BAND QSOs Valid QSOs Points DXCCs Regions
10 8 8 25 4 1
15 32 32 164 12 8
20 38 38 172 16 8
40 0 0 0 0 0
80 0 0 0 0 0
160 0 0 0 0 0
78 78 361 32 17
Final Score: 361 * (32 + 17) = 17689
I declare that all contest rules and all the rules and the
regulations for amateur radio in my country have been
observed and adhered to.
I'll accept all decisions of the Contest Committee.
Date: 02.NOV.2003 Sign: jean-pierre caille Call: F5CVI
jean-pierre caille
rue emmanuel mounier
M93420 Villepinte
EMail :
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