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[3830] ARRL 10 MTR W6TK SO/HP/CW

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] ARRL 10 MTR W6TK SO/HP/CW
From: w6tk@juno.com (Dick Stepanian)
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 20:05:22 -0800
                              ARRL 10 SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign Used : W6TK
    Operator : W6TK

      Category : SO/HP/CW

      Default Exchange : 599 CA

      Team/Club : SCCC

        Operating Time: 14 Hours

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   10CW      819         818       3280      59        40 

 Totals      819         818       3280      59        40 

    Final Score = 324720 points.

        TS-940S/AT --> Alpha 374A
        HyGain Explorer 14 at 50 Ft

Soapbox:  Fun as always....decided to stick with CW only since my tme was
limited.  Started out first two hours at about 100/hour but conditions
didn't seem that great Saturday morning...not as many Europeans as I was
hoping...band sounded puny...I was out Sunday morning so don't know it if
got any better.  But contest are always fun....so thanks for the Q's and
hope to see you next time.

Dick - W6TK 

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  • [3830] ARRL 10 MTR W6TK SO/HP/CW, Dick Stepanian <=