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[3830] HA4YF in CQ/RJ SOAB LP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] HA4YF in CQ/RJ SOAB LP
From: halmi@hif.hu (Bela Halmi)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 16:19:26 +0200
Entry Class: Single Op All Band Low Power

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX  Zones
80        55   111     1    22     5
40       121   265     6    45    12
20       219   511    23    61    18
15       195   506    35    55    22
10        92   253    22    45    22
Total    682  1646    87   228    79

Claimed Score: 648524

150W or less, 4 x 42 m vee, or 7 m vertical 

I have run out of superlative so no comment this year.

73, Bela HA4YF

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