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[3830] OQP - K8MR/M

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] OQP - K8MR/M
From: Jimk8mr@aol.com (Jimk8mr@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 21:56:02 EDT
Numbers by county,   County  -  CW  -  SSB 

ASHT        19      1
TRUM        16      10
PORT        14      3
MAHO        8       0   
COLU        21      5
CARR        28      14
JEFF        21      11
HARR        28      10
BELM        30      4
MONR        28      6
NOBL        39      7
WASH        29      13
MORG        27      4
MUSK        39      2
GUER        43      1
TUSC        45      3
COSH        19      1
HOLM        14      1
STAR        21      0

Total       489     96

CW:    31 States + 21 Counties
SSB:    25 States +  6 Counties       Total Mult:  83

Score:  89,142

This was a very pleasant weekend to be driving around eastern Ohio.  Radio 
conditions were OK, although signals on 40 were not loud for close in stuff 
including most of the other Ohio stations.  I had less than 10 qsos with the 
other OH mobiles.
OTOH I got into a good rhythm with N6MU and LY3BA on 20 & 15 where every 
exchange was "599CA (DX) SSB?".  In the case of BA he usually had an SSB 
frequency that was fairly clear.  I think every qsy resulted in a QSO.

The main technical challenge resulted from a noisy inverter that ran the 
laptop.  Last week I checked it out and found it OK on 40 and noisy on the 
high bands. This weekend it made 40 useless but added little or no extra 
noise on 20,15, and 80.  Therefore whenever I was on 40 I ran the laptop in 
internal batteries, and turned on the inverter/charger when I was on the high 
bands.  It gave me a good excuse to spend time on the high bands. I kept a 
close eye on the laptop battery indicator.  We ended the contest with about 
20% battery left.

Most interesting physical challenge occurred as we entered Carroll county.  
They must feed their cows beans, as we encountered the most intense olfactory 
display of bovine byproducts I think I have ever encountered, which lasted 
for several miles.  Thanks to those who suggested rolling up the windows, but 
they were already up.

And a big thanks to those who showed up waiting for us at each new county.  
It was a lot of fun.

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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  • [3830] OQP - K8MR/M, Jimk8mr@aol.com <=