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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] NAQP SSB W6TK SO
From: w6tk@juno.com (Dick Stepanian)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 20:42:55 -0700
                              NA QSO SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 19-Aug-00, 20-Aug-00

    Callsign Used : W6TK
         Operator : W6TK

         Category : SO AB LP

 Default Exchange : DICK CA

        Team/Club : Southern Cal Contest Club Team #2

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80SSB      30          30         30       9 
   40SSB      86          86         86      32 
   20SSB     195         195        195      50 
   15SSB     171         171        171      45 
   10SSB     269         268        268      34 

 Totals      751         750        750     170 

    Final Score = 127500 points.

Soapbox:  Great time...couldn't believe 10 meters...finally!  Short skip
never happened on 10 so didn't get any western state mults.  Low bands,
especially 80 didn't turn out to be worth much...so didn't get the mults
hoped for there either.  15 and 20 sounded pretty lousy until a little
later than I hoped for so had to rely on 10 a little longer.   That was
ok but should have been a hint that 40 and 80 weren't going to be as good
either....especially with wire antennas on those bands.
        Had lots of fun moving stations...fianlly getting more efficient at
using TR...lots of fun and program capability always amazes me...just
need a good op in the cockpit...hopefully I am getting there(slowly
though)...hihi!   WE9V even commented that I beat him on one of the band
moves...thanks Chad!   
        Lots of great fun and opportunity to learn new moves...ended up
being my
second best effort.....short on mults...but still great time.  
        Take care and see you in the next one!

Dick - W6TK

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