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[3830] LZ5AZ EU HFC: SO, SSB, LP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] LZ5AZ EU HFC: SO, SSB, LP
From: Dimitar Terziev" <dimitart@mbox.infotel.bg (Dimitar Terziev)
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 17:05:54 +0300
Station: LZ5AZ
Date   : AUG.06.2000
Class  : SO SSB LP


Band         QSOs:   Points  Mult
           CW    SB

1.8         0     0      0     0
3.5         0     7      7     7
7           0    36     36    21
14          0    89     89    35
21          0    12     12     9
28          0    19     19    16

TOTAL:      0   163    163    88

FINAL SCORE:   163 * 88 = 14344

  This is to certify that I have observed
all the Rules and regulations of the Contest.

Operator: Dimitar Terziev

Address: 4944 Davidkovo, Europe 96 str., Smolyanska obl.

E-mail: dimitart@mbox.infotel.bg

Equipment/antenna(s): Home-Made trcvr, PWR 90w, Inverted V antenna

Contest comments: HOT Contest!

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Date: AUG.06.2000

* UA1AAF software

It was good contest, I think. Everyone have chance... there's many good
things about this contest, but I will not make "SOAP" comments.

All the best & Good Luck to all!

73 de LZ5AZ

Best Regards & 73,                               dimitart@mbox.infotel.bg
             Dimitar LZ5AZ                  http://www.infotel.bg/~dimitart/

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
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  • [3830] LZ5AZ EU HFC: SO, SSB, LP, <dimitart@mbox.infotel.bg (Dimitar Terziev) <=