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[3830] K3ZO SOHP AB in 2000 All Asia CW Contest

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K3ZO SOHP AB in 2000 All Asia CW Contest
From: aalaun@ibm.net (Fred Laun K3ZO)
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 23:53:18 -0400
    BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes

    40CW       58          58         58       36
    20CW      125         125        125       73
    15CW      481         481        481      142
    10CW       13          13         13       10

  Totals      677         677        677      261

     Final Score = 176,697 points.

Activity on 20 seemed down compared to last year as Asian ops were 
apparently enjoying the good conditions on the higher bands.  40 was OK to 
Japan around sunrise here, lots of answers to my CQ's but multipath and QRN 
made copy rough on most signals.  Nice opening to UA9/UN over South America 
on 40 near end of contest, RF9C and UA9MA especially had bone-crushing 

Nice to hear the long path in on 10 both mornings, conditions better here 
Sunday than they were Saturday, but at any rate W4ZV was running rings 
around me both days.

Fifteen of course was the mainstay, open almost around the clock, at least 
JH3AIU and JH4UYB seemed to be audible almost any time of the day or night.

73, Fred, K3ZO

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