Call: KI7WX
Catagory: SO HP Unassisted, part time
Team = PVRC
QSOs = 374
Domestic Mults = 45
DX Mults = 11
Time on = 6hr 45min
Claimed Score = 48888
First 160M contest since I left Utah many moons ago. Put up a temporary
antenna of 100' vertical + 30' of top wire (in a "T" formation) and used
one radial on the ground to get it resonant around 1.875 or so. Rig is
FT1000MP + Alpha 78 + tuner
Knew this would be a very part time operation as I had experiments
ongoing over the weekend in the lab. Made 200 Qs in 2 hrs Friday night
and pulled the plug. Wanted to hear better so I strung up a 500 foot
Beverage Saturday afternoon. First time I've ever used a Beverage and
boy what a thrill to switch from the vertical to the Beverage and hear
guys pop right out of the noise. Very cool. If you don't have Beverages
go get some. This one was unterminated running E-W. For next year I'll
have them done properly and add South and NE antennas.
Stayed on for about 4-5 hours Saturday night and even worked some DX. Thanks
to P40V, V47KP, CO8JY and HF, HC8N (loud), KV4FZ, NP4A, ZF2JB, FG5FC,
XE1RCS, HK6ISX, and my first ever European QSO on 160 goes to GW3JXN who also
called in on night two. Heard a pretty loud I4JMY but he wasn't hearing me.
A few other European stations barely heard but should be workable with an EU
In the domestic mult department I was happy to pick up both Dakotas and a
handfull of California stations including the ever present N6RO on night one.
Missed: AZ (Dave must be summering in San Diego already...), ID, MS, MT, NV
(c'mon, no NV?????), OR, UT (Alan off playing bridge I expect .... ..), WA
(Jim where were 'ya???), and WY (Hey Paul, build a 4SQ for 160 too...). Ve's
4,5,8,9 and the various VO and VY prefixes also not heard or worked. Was
anyone on from KL7???
Finally, it was really weird to use my own call on SSB. Having spent far too
much time at W6EEN and W4MR I kept starting with: wait... *K*I7WX It
was funny the first couple hundred times until I figured it out.
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