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[3830] W4AU - PA QSO Party

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] W4AU - PA QSO Party
From: w4au@contesting.com (John Unger)
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:46:53 -0400
                           PA QSO PARTY SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 9-Oct-99, 10-Oct-99

    Callsign Used : W4AU
        Operators : JOHN UNGER

         Category : single op / hi power

 Default Exchange : serial number  VA

             Name : John Unger
          Address : P.O. Box 95
   City/State/Zip : Hamilton, VA 20159
          Country : United States

   BAND    CW QSOs    CW Pts    SSB QSOs    SSB Pts      
  160         5          10          0        0
   80        55         110         87       87
   40        88         132        263      263
 Totals     148         252        350      350

Mults = 67 (YES!, a sweep...)

Bonus = 800 Pts.

Final Preliminary score = 41,134

After missing 1 or 2 counties the last few years, I was really psyched to
finally get a sweep in 1999. AD3E called me from Fulton Sunday and made my
day! I seemed to have a hard time finding new CW stations to work. Bad line
noise made 160 a real chore, and I'm sorry I couldn't work more stations
there, but I was afraid of just being a bad alligator... 

Most active county, for me at least, was Luzerne (my old stomping grounds
as teenager with my old W3GOI call back in the late 50's and 60's) with 43
Q's. Berks and Bucks were distant 2nds with 26 Q's each. It was a pleasure
to work so many courteous operators, and the number of rovers was amazing.
I wish we could get this amount of participation in the Virginia QSO Party. 

Congratulations to the PA QSO Pary Organizers.

tnx es 73 - John, W4AU

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