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[3830] RM6A WW RTTY M/M score.

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] RM6A WW RTTY M/M score.
From: Dan" <dan@tsel.ru (Dan)
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 19:58:29 +0400
CQ WW RTTY Contest

Call used: RM6A

Entry Class: Multi Op, Multi Xmit

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX  Zones
80       202   397     5    49    10
40       374   800    24    64    22
20       916  2195    53    97    33
15       865  2125    52    96    32
10       420  1030    35    75    30
Total   2777  6547   169   381   127


Claimed Score: 4432319

Software: RTTY by WF1B  v4.1
RIGS&ANTS : www.73.ru
Comments : 24 hours time period is much better for this contest then 48. Very 
low activity
of JA- stations( WHY?). HC8N was  one of the strongest stations on all bands! 
Thanks for 5
bands QSO guys! The best QSO : T31T on 14 mc and HC8N on 80 m(guys, your signal 
was just
amazing!). CONGRTS to HC8N, P3A,W3LPL crews !
See ya in WW SSB!
P.S. Ray (WF1B), you should fix the problem on MERGE.EXE file in version 4.4f. 
File is not
working properly.

Dan / RA6CO on behalf of RM6A crew.

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