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[3830] N0AV NAQP SSB 8/99

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] N0AV NAQP SSB 8/99
From: n0av@netins.net (Jim Harvey)
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 10:36:26 -0500
                              NA QSO SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 21-Aug-99, 22-Aug-99

    Callsign Used : N0AV
         Operator : N0AV

         Category : SO

 Default Exchange : Jim Ia

             Name : Jim Harvey
          Address : Box 115
   City/State/Zip : Goldfield, IA 50542
          Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

  160SSB      53          53         53      27
   80SSB     146         146        146      46
   40SSB     188         188        188      50
   20SSB     209         209        209      47
   15SSB      32          32         32      24
   10SSB       3           3          3       3

 Totals      631         631        631     197

    Final Score = 124307 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Less than 40 qso's on 10 and 15 combined tells the story here. 160 was a
 surprise though! See everyone in January!

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards

 Date ______________   Signed _____________________________  Call

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