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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] N6MU FQP SO/MIXED/LP
From: N6MU1@aol.com (N6MU1@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 19:14:40 EDT
                      1999 FLORIDA QSO PARTY SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign Used : N6MU (@N6NB)
         Operator : N6MU

         Category : Single Operator, Mixed, Low Power

 Default Exchange : 59(9) CA

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   40CW       15          15         30       1 
   40SSB       2           2          2       0 
   20CW       97          97        194      46 
   20SSB      28          28         28      14 
   15CW       70          70        140      11 
   15SSB      29          29         29       8 
   10CW       13          13         26       0 
   10SSB      50          50         50      13 

 Totals      304         304        499      93 

    Final Score = 46407 x 2 = 92814 Points

I was originally thinking of running QRP for the extra mult but quickly 
changed my mind after hearing the propagation forecast and opted for low 
power instead. The 15, 20 and 40 meter monobanders are still on the ground 
after last years ice storm so was left with an A4 tribander and inverted vee. 
Conditions on 20 were very poor Saturday but did improve some on Sunday. 
Conditions on 15 and 10 (when open) were excellent. Weak signals on 20 were 
usually loud on 15. As Bob, N4BP, said, that's why I kept encouraging 
everyone to QSY to 15! I was very disappointed in 15 ssb. The band was wide 
open most of the time judging from the few loud FL stations I could hear but 
there was no activity. I called CQ over and over with no responses. 10 opened 
at 20Z Saturday and 21Z Sunday with very loud signals. I worked stations on 
10 as late as 00Z Sunday. I was finally able to get through on 40 the last 
half hour of the first session. I could hear stations long before that but 
they couldn't hear me. Also worked a few on 40 at the beginning of the second 
Kudos to mobiles AE4MH, K4LAW, K4OJ, KN4Y, N4BP and N4OO for keeping it 
interesting, especially on Sunday. They are the backbone of any state party. 
Ed, KN4Y, had the best signal and was most consistent. I wish I knew who put 
up the rf shield between my QTH and Jim, K4OJ. He was barely above the noise 
level on 20 both days and although I did manage to snag him a few times, more 
often than not I called and called to no avail.
Overall I missed six counties - DIX, GIL, LEV, NAS, PUT and WAL. Don't know 
if they were on but I never heard them. 
Thanks to the FCG for sponsoring another good one. Keep it up! 73...

John, N6MU

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