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[3830] K6LA 10 Meter S/O HP Mixed Mode

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K6LA 10 Meter S/O HP Mixed Mode
From: KWIDELITZ@delphi.com (KWIDELITZ@delphi.com)
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 15:29:50 -0500 (EST)

                                     ARRL TEN METER CONTEST
             Call used: K6LA                      Location: CA
             Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: MIXED   Power: 1500
             Callsign of Operator: K6LA 
             Exchanged Information: K6LA RST CA  
             Hours of Operation: 26:56
             band      QSOs      points    mults
             CW        1051        4208     102
             PH        1182        2364      99
             TOTAL     2233        6572     201      SCORE: 1,320,972
             Club or Team Name: SCCC
             4 element yagi at 85'
             4 element yagis stacked at 55'/36'
             A3S at 53'
             1/4 wave vertical 
        I  loaded up on antennas for this one, taking down two  20  meter 
        antennas  and replacing them with a 4 element yagi at 85' and  an 
        A3S  at 53'. I also put up a vertical stealthily on  a  neighbors 
        garage roof about 60' away from the closest yagi, as I planned to 
        do  2 radio single band operation. The vertical didn't  help  and 
        wasn't  used.  But I did manage to do some 2 radio stuff.  I  was 
        able to hear when signal levels were up and antennas were  turned 
        a  certain  way. In fact, I did some 2 radio CW stuff for  a  few 
        minutes. Total of 94 QSOs in two radio mode.
        Both  mornings I thought the band would open big time to  Europe, 
        and  both times I was disappointed. The EU I did work was  fairly 
        loud,  but not too many of them. My breakdown shows 23  EU  QSOs, 
        but  the only mults were G, GW, F, EA, EA8 and CT. Also,  only  5 
        Africa in the log. However, there was some GOOD DX. 9N2TO  called 
        me on CW at 0024 Friday night for an all time new one. I tried to 
        move  him  to SSB, but we got the frequency crossed. I  sent  him 
        28555 and listening to the tape he came back 28550, but I  didn't 
        catch it live. I also worked JD1BIA in JD/o and LZ0H in VP8/h.  I 
        was surprised at how FEW Carribean mults were on. Domestically, I 
        only  missed VE8/Yukon on phone and VE8/Yukon/LAB and NM? on  CW. 
        If EU had opened much at all, I think I would have a lock on  top 
        10. Already making plans for next year
73. Ken, K6LA - Ken Six Los Angeles, KWIDELITZ@DELPHI.COM

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  • [3830] K6LA 10 Meter S/O HP Mixed Mode, KWIDELITZ@delphi.com <=