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[3830] K6CTA SS SSB S/O HP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K6CTA SS SSB S/O HP
From: ESchuller@sutro.com (Edward Schuller)
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 08:46:05 -0800
                            1998 SSB Sweepstakes

Call: K6CTA                                            Section: San
Mode: SSB                                             Hours of
Operation: 2 1/2

Equipment: Ten Tec OMNI VI, Alpha 89, 6 element yagi

Club Affiliation: Northern California Contest Club

232Q     67 Sections         31,088

Had little or no time due to lots of family commitments that had stacked
up! I got on to give a little boost to the club total. Phone just isn't
mode of choice!! 

73, Ed K6CTA

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