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[3830] KK7GW SSB Sprint SOLP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] KK7GW SSB Sprint SOLP
From: kk7gw@hotmail.com (David Jones)
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 05:28:01 PDT
    Callsign Used : KK7GW
    Category : Single Operator

 Default Exchange : # David WA

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80SSB       8           8          8       3 
   40SSB       2           2          2       0 
   20SSB      40          40         40      19 

 Totals       50          50         50      22 

    Final Score = 1100 points.

Power out: 100 watts
Equipment: Kenwood TS-530
Antennas: 20m dipole in a "V", ends at 25 feet, center at 18 feet.  40m 
dipole at 13 feet,
with one end bent around a tree down to 8 feet.

Comments:  Well, an interesting contest.  I took an hour off in the 
middle because I
wasn't working anyone on 20, and nobody could hear me on 40.  Got back 
on at 0315z
and actually picked up 8 QSOs on 80!  It's a rare contest that I get 
more on 80 then on 40.
Now I know why I like CW tests so much...I still have a headache and 
it's the next


David Jones, KK7GW   

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