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[3830] N3BB - 1998 IARU M/S

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] N3BB - 1998 IARU M/S
From: k5na@bga.com (Richard L. King)
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 11:43:55
                 IARU HF Championship -- 1998

      Call: N3BB             Country:  United States - Zone 07
                             Category: Multi Single


      160       29       59     2.03      4      2
       80       74      174     2.35     10      2
       40      488     1764     3.61     33     21
       20      854     3042     3.56     43     21
       15      872     3574     4.10     38     28
       10       56      196     3.50     10      3

     Totals   2373     8809     3.71    138     77

                 Score: 1,893,935 points

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List:  N3BB, K5NA, AB5EB, WD5N, and N5ZC

Equipment Description: Two (2) TS940s, Alpha 76PA, Alpha 87A. 

Antennas: Stacked yagis on 10M, 15M, and 20M, three element Telrex on 40M,
inverted vees on 80 and 160M.

Club Affiliation: Central Texas DX & Contest Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature __Jim George - N3BB__


               James K. George Jr  N3BB
               14721 Bear Creek Pass
               Austin, TX 78737

Comments: F5IJ insisted his exchange was "59 LPOJ" so we are forwarding the
log as copied with a note to the contest desk to remove it if incorrect. If
the QSO is removed, we will lose one mult on 15 meters.

It is always great to operate at Jim's, N3BB, QTH because he has a great
setup and he inspires a first class effort. N3BB will make detailed contest
comments in another post to the contest reflector.

                              Continent Statistics
       N3BB   IARU HF Championship    Multi Single     12 Jul 1998  0458z

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America     16   47  198  158  133   11  563    23.5
South America      0    0    3    6    7    9   25     1.0
Europe             0    0   93  125  172    0  390    16.3
Asia               0    0  121   98   58    0  277    11.6
Africa             0    0    0    3    2    0    5     0.2
Oceania            0    2   13    7   10    5   37     1.5

North America     13   24   45  330  128   13  553    23.1
South America      0    1    2    5    9   19   36     1.5
Europe             0    0   15   67  327    0  409    17.1
Asia               0    0    1   34   16    0   51     2.1
Africa             0    0    1    3    6    0   10     0.4
Oceania            0    0    4   29    9    0   42     1.8

BREAKDOWN QSO/mults  N3BB  IARU HF Championship  Multi Single

HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    .....    .....    52/13    41/12    .....    .....    93/25   93/25 
   1      .        .        .      83/9     42/9       .     125/18  218/43 
   2      .        .        .        .     142/14      .     142/14  360/57 
   3      .        .        .        .     146/16      .     146/16  506/73 
   4      .        .        .        .      94/6     12/3    106/9   612/82 
   5      .        .        .        .     144/7       .     144/7   756/89 
   6      .        .        .        .     130/3       .     130/3   886/92 
   7      .        .        .      41/5     22/2     26/6     89/13  975/105
   8    .....    .....    .....    98/9     26/4     .....   124/13 1099/118
   9      .        .        .      56/4     19/2     10/1     85/7  1184/125
  10      .        .        .        .      95/3       .      95/3  1279/128
  11      .        .        .      76/5     12/0      7/3     95/8  1374/136
  12      .        .        .     129/3       .        .     129/3  1503/139
  13      .        .      57/20    30/0       .        .      87/20 1590/159
  14      .      15/6     65/9       .        .        .      80/15 1670/174
  15      .      11/0     88/2       .        .        .      99/2  1769/176
  16    11/3     11/1     26/2     39/4     .....    .....    87/10 1856/186
  17      .        .        .     112/5       .        .     112/5  1968/191
  18     4/1      9/1       .      61/3       .        .      74/5  2042/196
  19      .       2/1       .      79/2       .        .      81/3  2123/199
  20      .       8/1     40/3      6/2       .        .      54/6  2177/205
  21     5/2     11/0     52/0       .        .        .      68/2  2245/207
  22     9/0      3/1     46/2      3/1       .        .      61/4  2306/211
  23      .       4/1     62/3       .        .       1/0     67/4  2373/215
   0    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    ..... 2373/215
   1      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
   2      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
   3      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
   4      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
   5      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
   6      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
   7      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
   8    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    ..... 2373/215
   9      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  10      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  11      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  12      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  13      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  14      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  15      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    ..... 2373/215
  17      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  18      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  19      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  20      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  21      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  22      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
  23      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   2373/215
DAY1    29/6     74/12   488/54   854/64   872/66    56/13    ..... 2373/215
DAY2      .        .        .        .        .        .        .        .  
TOT     29/6     74/12   488/54   854/64   872/66    56/13      .   2373/215

73, Richard


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