Call used: N8PR - QRP Location: BROWARD COUNTY,
Category: Single Op All Band Mode: MIXED Power:
Callsign of Operator: N8PR
Exchanged Information: N8PR RST BRO
Hours of Operation: 20:00
band CW QSOs CW pts SSB QSOs SSB pts
80 6 60 8 40
40 60 600 1 5
20 129 1290 374 1870
15 45 450 58 290
10 6 60 26 130
TOTAL 246 2460 467 2335
( 4795 ) QSO points X ( 126 ) Multipliers = 604,170 points
Club or Team Name: Florida Contest Club (FCC)
Comments: Good Job reorganizing the FQP, guys. Congrats.
Highlight was
comments from all the ops who couldn't believe I was QRP, with a
signal into the midwest. Best of all was working FO0 for a
while QRP on 10!
Rig: 2 x Icom 756 (One set up for transmit & one for recieve only)
Antennas: KT34XA @ 107 Ft + KT34A @ 67 ft; KT34XA @ 70 ft;
Wilson System 3 Tribander @ 20 ft; 40-2CD @ 115 ft;
4 Phased vertical dipoles on 80 M.
I hope Everyone had as much fun as I did. Thanks for all the Qso's
73, Pete N8PR
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions: 3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests: 3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-3830@contesting.com