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[3830] W1NN SS CW

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] W1NN SS CW
From: wallace offutt <woffutt@davinci.netaxis.com> (wallace offutt)
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 17:54:53 -0500 (EST)
Call   Sec  Hours   Score  QSOs  Mult    Category

W1NN    CT   5     24,400  200    61     QRP Single Op


Returned from Japan on Thursday with hopes of operating the whole contest
but events conspired to prevent this.  Jet lag was the main problem.  I
just felt too awful on Saturday to keep it up more than a couple of hours. 
So much for my theory that jet lag would help me stay awake all night. 
That doesn't help much if you can't stay awake during the day!  The second
problem was the storm. High winds prevented me from raising two antennas,
and power outages Sunday morning (after the storm!) also hurt.  Then there
was a conference call suddenly scheduled for 0800 Monday morning,
requiring about 8 hours of work on Sunday.  Goodby serious SS effort. 

Given these problems, I probably should have at least turned on the amp
and made it easy on myself but I had been wanting to do QRP so I went
ahead with it knowing that I could only operate a few hours.  Big thrill
was working KH6ND on the low end of 10 meters 5 minutes into the contest. 
Since I was just using a wire, I couldn't get many people to come back to
CQs so I basically just worked the loud guys and anyone else who would
come back to me after one or two calls.  Jet lagged people are not known
for their patience!

Congrats to Jeff for substantially raising the bar in the QRP category.  A
great performance.  I just wish you had done it last year! 


Hal W1NN

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