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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: V26LN (Op K3TLX) CQWW CW Score SOAB/HP
From: lvn@fox.cen.com (Larry Novak)
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 96 9:23:59 EST
    Callsign Used : V26LN

         Operator : K3TLX

         Category : Single Op, High Power (Unassisted)

        Team/Club : Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC)

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones
  160CW      150         148        295        22        10
   80CW      316         305        680        47        14
   40CW     1224        1170       3018        72        20
   20CW     1175        1132       2920        79        28
   15CW     1120        1091       2743        68        22
   10CW      150         145        350        38        13

 Totals     4135        3991      10006       326       107

    Final Score = 4,332,598 points.

For the summary:
CALL     HRS     SCORE     QSO's   PTS    ZONES    DX
V26LN     46   4,332,598   3991   10006    107     326

Well, the big 5-0 birthday bash didn't go quite as planned. I'm pretty
disappointed in my score. 

I have some whining, including bad storms the first night, about 6 or 8
power failures (generator backup worked but ate up 5-10 minutes
switching over) and getting so sick the second night that I came very
close to quitting. 

I also made a number of strategic errors like not spending nearly
enough time on 80 or 160 and giving up many easy multipliers and
probably some good rates, and not beaming the US enough, especially on
40 m. 

9A3A complained about the EU pileups and he's so right - they are out
of control. He, however, seems to have coped with them a lot better
than me - when they were really bad I just couldn't keep up a rate
above about 90-100 which is way too low to be competitive. The US
pileups are somewhat better controlled but what makes them easier to
deal with is the the overall signal strength is better and the calls
tend to be shorter so it's easier to pick out full calls quickly.

I am absolutely in awe of guys like 9A3A, W2GD and K4BAI who can
approach or exceed 6000 QSO's and still sleep. Even rationalizing
everything except my inability to cope with the pileups I only see
myself with around 5000 Q's.

I still had a great time and thank WT3Q and V21N for their help with
this operation. Now I have to figure out how to become better at this.

Thanks for all the Q's. QSL to K3TLX. Cards won't be ready for about 2
months, so be patient.

73, Larry, K3TLX and V26LN.

p.s. After having been reamed for not signing every QSO in my C6AHE
operation, I did sign every QSO this time and still had 144 dupes!
There were not nearly as many DIT DIT DAH DAH DIT DIT's this time,
though. I did only sign my call, and not "tu V26LN", so I'm sure this
caused some of the dupes, because a fair number of them were guys I
just worked. So, in the contnuing experiment, next time I'll add the
"tu" and we'll see what happens.

     | Larry Novak            \-\-\         email:   lnovak@cen.com |
     | Century Computing, Inc.  |             Tel:   (301) 953-3330 |
     | http://www.cen.com/      |   Amateur Radio:    K3TLX, C6AHE  |
     +       INSULATOR COLLECTORS: http://www.insulators.com        +

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