Well here's my summary of NAQP. Comments found below.
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults
80CW 23 23 23 12
40CW 38 38 38 21
20CW 98 97 97 33
15CW 17 17 17 14
Totals 176 175 175 80
Final Score = 14000 points.
It was a great contest. Even if I only got 8 hours in. I started with
20 meters. The main problems I faceed were noise levels. I had S7 - S9
noise on all bands throughout the contest. I don't know how I managed a
dupe on 20, but there it is. Switched rigs around this time. Usually I
use the 530S for the run rig and the Yaesu for S&P but the intermod was
really bad this time, and the yaesu worked better. (Did I mention I have
no less than 3 Brpadcast AM/TV antennas in my vicinity. FUN!) Ran 20 till
The band was too full for the filters (1.2 Khz in the yaesu) to handle.
Switched to 15, and it was a disappointment. Signals were strong, but noone
was there. great openings to everywhere. Especially Il, worked 3 in a row
that were 20 0ver 9. Went to 40 from there. 40 was dead. bounced around
between 20 and 40 waiting for 80 to open. S&P rig was on 10 but never heard
a thing. When 80 opened I moved the S&P rig to 20. Took my breaks as 30
minute bathroom/stretch, and a 1 hour supper/quality time with XYL.
80 opened after my second break. It didn't work well, but did manage to
finally get my own state. heard some MS but couldn't raise them.
At exactly 0250 the finals blew on the kenwood. 10 minutes later the
power supply on the yaesu started smoking. Bringing this NAQP to a
close for me.
High points: trying to confuse Walt (AC1O) by getting in his 15 meter
log immediately after K1ZX. :)
Low Points: noise level too high to manage any real rates on the run
rig. Dual blowouts of both rigs 3 hours before contest ended. I guess
I have an excuse to look for that Icom 765 now. Only worked one member
of my team. (K1VUT) and only on one band. (If I remember correctly)
Never got to 160, and noone ever heard on 10.
Al - kk5zx