Contest Dates : 13-Jul-96, 14-Jul-96
Callsign Used : W3GOI
Operators : JOHN UNGER
Category : SO, CW only, NO packet!
Default Exchange : 599 08
Name : John Unger
Address : P. O. Box 95
City/State/Zip : Hamilton, VA 20159
Country : United States
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults Zones
40CW 169 168 511 9 20
20CW 514 501 1685 11 33
15CW 100 98 431 10 18
10CW 24 24 96 3 7
Totals 807 791 2723 33 78
Preliminary Score = 302253 points.
Rig: Corsair II and Drake L-4B
Ants: Windom (now deceased :-( ) at 50'; KT34-A at 40'
I operated ~14 hours of this contest and had a blast, at least until
Murphy showed up... About midnight local time (0400Z) I was happily
running stations on 40 at a great rate when suddenly all I could hear
from my rig was a steady hisssss... The balun (suspected, not
in my Windom had given up and my plans to switch to 80 for some new
mults suddenly disappeared! I did what any brave contester would do in
a similar situation - I went to bed and got up early to catch Europe
and Asia on 20 for the rest of the contest time. One outstanding
highlight was working VS6BG for my last contact at 1159!
It was wonderful having both 10 and 15 meters open some of the time.
This contest could become one of my favorites, especially if the
exchange were made a bit more meaningful. There seemed to be lots of
people on the air, but the bands weren't unbearably crowded. All of the
WRTC stations sounded about the same here - an S-unit or so above the
noise level, but, as others have mentioned, unmistakable good fists.