Call: K8AZ (K8NZ,opr.) S/O Mixed Mode
Band QSO Pts. Zones HQ
160 14 28 5 1
80 40 66 6 1
40 260 742 23 11
20 1336 4456 41 18
15 279 805 20 12
10 101 335 13 5
Total 2030 6432 108 48 Score: 1,003,392
Comment: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly...
The GOOD-- Great band conditions on 10,15 and 20. Fun to run EU on 10m
and have 15m runable for the last hour of the contest. SSB rates on 20m were
excellent. The WRTC guys helped boost overall activity..they also made for
quick and snappy Q's on the 2nd radio. Z30M called in at 1158Z to get score
over my 1 Meg goal.
The BAD-- Thunderstorm shutdown at 0037Z. Woudn't have been right to
have AZ come home from San Fran to find the station fried to a crisp. QRN
levels were terrible..only one EU on 80 with no HQ stations worked.
The UGLY-- "B" radio amp went up in smoke 15 minutes into the
contest...awsome sight and smell.
WRTC: Congrats to Jeff and Dan on their big win. Made 108 WRTC Q's without
using packet. Guess you couldn't work IARU hard and still turn in a
respectable WRTC total.
Thanks to Tom, K8AZ for entrusting me with the station while he was
having a ball in San Fran at WRTC.
73, Ron K8NZ