>From KF6A - Phil's. Looks like N. Cal got some propagation this time.
1 band change at 0215. Like Ward, I had spent the afternoon digging
blackberries. Luckily, I went over to Phil's earlier in the afternoon
to set up the computer - etc.
N2NT, WA2SRQ, Gator/m, had the big sigs.
146 q's from Orangevale. (Should call it Blackberryvale)
KT-34 at 80', 2 el KLM 40 at 71 or so. 765 - NA V 8.sumpin.
I assume that ZAPWARE will deduct all the N4BO's and that N4TQO will
beat me again.
ZWAH and WHEHM were names of choice. Heard BO a couple of times.
Hope my mobile signal in CQP (500W) is as loud as Gator's.