Glad to be credited as your first 80M qso east of the Mississippi River, but
I am actually located about 50 miles west of it. During the time interval we
worked in (08Z), yours was the only JA signal I was hearing. You were solid
into Louisiana.
However, I did work another JA (JA7SN) one hour earlier than I worked you,
but his signal was weak. I think it was still daylight in JA. He called me at
0651Z when I was having a small EU sunrise run (first ever). Conditions on
the second night were fabulous. I didn't spend much time on the first night.
Setup here : 1500W to a base insulated, 1/4 wave vertical with the radials
rolled up at the base of the tower for landscaping work being done in the
field. Would like to see what difference a ground system would have made
under the vertical with these condx.
No separate RX antennas yet.
73 and hope you had fun.
Chas N8RR