K1ZX asked how I got interested in contesting....well....=20
After I got my license I was looking through a drawer in our operating =
desk and I saw a couple of awards. I asked my dad what they were and he =
said that they were from contests and he told me what a contest was.=20
My teacher was also a ham (a contester K8AQM) and I had seen that he =
had a lot of awards too. I wanted awards!!! In 1994 my teacher invited =
me over for the California QSO Party multi op. I really enjoyed that =
and from then on I was hooked. In the last year and a half , I have =
mostly operated from our station low power Icom 737a, and Mosley PRO67B =
at 65 ft. and INVVEE for 80m (no 160 ). When my sister was thinking =
about getting her license I let her operate some of the 95 California =
QSO Party as a multi op , she also enjoyed it. I think the best way to =
get other hams interested is to let them over and operate a contest from =
a big station as multi-op. But the best way to learn the skills is with =
low power and work for it.(don't be an alligator)
73 , Mike KG8PE
via internet: kb8pk@tc3net.com
KB8PK writes- I continue to push Mike to enter and operate contests so =
he can see if you set goals and commit to making the goal you can =
usually do it , I hope this spills over into everday life. With =
teenagers there are many competing interests , ie. computers , video =
games , etc. and sometimes he is more interested in other things, but =
the fact remains this hobby has all that and more available ( the =
logging program and cw operating if presented correctly can be viewed as =
a real time game) . I was licensed when I was 13 and wish I had his =
abillities when I started out. This hobby helped build my background and =
latter , directly led to my current career choice (air traffic control). =
I would urge anyone with any interest at all in promoting youth =
involvement to make some time available to present this hobby , and =
contesting in particular to young people either in scouting , church =
groups , local schools or colleges etc. I have found you will usually =
find one person in a group who will take an interest and if given =
motivational guidance will continue on in this hobby. There are a =
couple of local hams here in Mich.
Ted K8AQM and Mike KG8CW who have done this with Mike and I personally =
express thanks for ther time. 73 de Kevin KB8PK