Station and op: WB9HRO
Category: 20 meter single band high power
QTH: Wisconsin
QSOs: 703
Mults: 85
Score: 179,265
Time: 16 hrs
Equipment: IC-765, AL-82 (1 KW), 204BA/204BA(on Eu)-100 ft/60 ft, A-3 fixed
SE 35 ft.
Excuses: none
Comments: Went to the cabin up north - much better antennas than home. Due to
80 and 40 meter antennas being destroyed or damaged in an ice storm last
month, went 20 meter SB. This gets me sleep, and lets me do some skiing too.
I thought band condx were very good for this location and solar indicies.
This was lots of fun, and I did better than I anticipated.
Lots of strong Europe and and JA. Didn't hear much from South America.
Thanx for the QSOs.