N4OGW/9 CW Sprint
Breakdown (by memory):
20 54 95' open-wire dipole up 65', trigonal wire beam at 40'
40 87 "
80 100 "
241 X 45 = 10,845
Ten-Tec Omni6 + SB1000 (500w) + N6TR software
Had one more mult, one less qso than last year. Heard 2 mults that I didn't
get: KS and P40. Had a couple of hangs with the ptt line (radio wouldn't key)
that required "rebooting" the Omni...any other Omni users ever notice this
problem with the ptt? 20 and 40 suck from the Midwest...skip was too long on
40 for even east coast (although G4BUO was easy!).
Urbana, IL