KI7WX, Doc, Utah Multi operator, Single transmitter.
160 80 40 20 15 10 T
49 182 144 537 16 0 928
18 41 35 48 9 0 151 (domestic mult)
0 1 0 3 0 0 4 (DX mult)
928 X 155 = 143,685
20 was very good to us until the band folded up. We were
only running one transmitter, so band changes did not help
us much with the 10 minute rule in effect. 15 was so poor
up here that we never even looked at 10. We likely missed
most of the 40 meter run - by the time we got there, most
everyone had already gone to 80.
Operators were: KI7WX, N5CT and K6XO
Alan, K6XO