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[Yaesu] Low output on FT902

To: yaesu@contesting.com
Subject: [Yaesu] Low output on FT902
From: Jon Klinkhamer <jonklinkhamer@earthlink.net>
Reply-to: Jon Klinkhamer <jonklinkhamer@earthlink.net>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 10:57:37 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
List-post: <mailto:yaesu@contesting.com>
Iâ??m replacing all my tubes (6146Bâ??s and 12by7) with new ones. Using 
6146Wâ??s for the finals.  The reason is Iâ??m seeing low output. The output is 
maybe 80 Watts at the low bands to just barely hitting 100Watts at the high 
bands. I neutralized the finals as best I can and aligned the Tx drivers 
without any noticeable changes. But the thing I also noticed was that during my 
10 second tune up, my wattmeter would show that my power was drifting downward 
by about 10 watts or so. My thinking is that maybe one of those big old caps is 
not holding the charge. I suppose the electrolytic dries up after 20 or so 
years.  Does anyone have any comments on this before I start to replace 
components? One thing Iâ??m going to do is check the bias voltages on the tube 
sockets and make sure they are within the noted voltages in the service manual. 


Thanks for reading,

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