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Re: [WriteLog] Now REMOTE CW/RTTY

To: Robert <woodr90@gmail.com>, 'Tom Georgens' <tomgeorgens15@gmail.com>, 'Gordon LaPoint' <gordon.lapoint@gmail.com>, 'Writelog Forum' <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Now REMOTE CW/RTTY
From: Jay <ws7ik7tj@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 14:12:32 -0700
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Well once you get the audio on the control site then I setup a local session of a rtty program MMTTY would work so you can see a waterfall, bunch of different programs would work.
Get the RC1101 it just can't be beat!

Jay Ws7i

On 6/25/2020 1:33 PM, Robert wrote:
spent few hours working remote setup on laptop that will travel.  this
session, all behind same router.
rig com port linked fine.   Audio would link but never heard anything.
Finally switched rig to AM on 10Mhz then 5Mhz WWV, still nothing.
(you know, wasn't just no RTTY but no CW either late last night)

my settings on audio were too low at rig site.  K3 - turned up the line out
(15) and then could hear audio fine at control site.
zing  - I'd be interested what K3 line out values others are using when
doing remote.
sample rates all set same between sites

today's study:
CW   Can RIT be implemented or is RC1101 required?

RTTY - (It is what it is):
   can't get to MTTY to allow AFC
and once AFC is on, then set to off to do S&P, need to insure Mark set at
Seems Option is set AFC on or off before leaving the remote (Rig) Site...
AFC off is good for S&P, AFC on good for CQ CQ
As noted before, can't see the waterfall or RTTY tuning indicators at
control site (No rig site).

TEAM MEETING - is this good method to run/operate remote (has Rig) computer
can see screen and operate mouse as if at the Home site?
Other worthy options?
IF I want FT8 remote, remote control of Rig PC seems in order.

Going to test the router today by setting Cell Phone to Hot Spot, connect
laptop to Hot Spot and come in that method to insure can get through router
fine (opening up 3 port #s)

73 W5AJ

Midland, Texas

-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog [mailto:writelog-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 8:56 AM
To: 'Gordon LaPoint' <gordon.lapoint@gmail.com>; 'Writelog Forum'
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Is Digirite remotable?

Digirite is not remoteable in its current form.

I have not tried either of these, but they might work.

1. Use a remote control program like Teamviewer and just run  Writelog and
Digirite on the computer connected to the radios.


2. Use a second computer on the control end.  The first computer runs WL
control site as you do now.  The second computer Runs WL in regular mode and
digirite, and is networked to the first computer to keep the logs in synch.
The second computer looks like a head set to the first computer and
connected to the headphone and mic jacks.  The first computer can still
control the remote radio.  You many need to enter the frequencies on the
second computers manually.  (Writelog has some kind of frequency synch
utility, but I don know if it is generally available.)   I always meant to
try this but never got around to it.  The latency may be a problem or there
may be some flaw in my thinking.  I do know that networking the two versions
of Writelog at the control end does work.

GL Tom W2SC 8P5A

-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog <writelog-bounces@contesting.com> On Behalf Of Gordon LaPoint
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 12:48 AM
To: Writelog Forum <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Is Digirite remotable?

Can Digirite be remoted like RTTY?  I have the remote setup working for RTTY
for the upcoming ARRL RTTY RU, but don't see how to remote the Digirite.


Gordon - N1MGO

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