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Re: [WriteLog] Easy Rotor Control and Writelog

To: writelog@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Easy Rotor Control and Writelog
From: Kostas SV1DPI <sv1dpi@otenet.gr>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 07:14:40 +0200
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
ERC works with writelog and dx4win. I use it some time ago with a Yaesu 1000 dxc.
73 Kostas SV1DPI

On 2/11/2015 4:36 πμ, Steve Forst wrote:
Is the Easy-Rotor-Control (ERC) from Germany compatible with Writelog?

I found nothing in the archives, and the ERC page that lists compatible software, shows Writelog as not yet determined.
I'm considering the ERC-mini DX to control a Yaesu G-800 DXA via USB 
and the 6 pin mini din  of the control box.
I'm thinking it will work, but figured I would ask first.

Tnx, 73, Steve  KW3A

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