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[WriteLog] Fw: WL and the CW SS

To: "writelog reflector" <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Fw: WL and the CW SS
From: "Alan Marshall" <acmd@rcn.com>
Reply-to: Alan Marshall <acm@ultranet.com>
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2012 00:05:06 -0400
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>

This from last Friday:

Alan - W1CCE

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Day" <rayday@cox.net>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] WL and the CW SS

Gary and all,

Well, I changed the order of the entry fields in the log entry window (via
drop-down menu: contest/exchange format setup)to CALL-NR-PR-CK-SEC and now
the order at least is now that way, too and the order I want to enter the
data. I have more to check out, but I think this may work..


Ray N6HE

Message: 9

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 19:39:32 -0800

From: "Gary AL9A" <al9a@mtaonline.net>

To: <writelog@contesting.com>

Subject: Re: [WriteLog] WL and the CW SS

Message-ID: <D11683DB42084596A0828F289B1274AC@AL9APC>

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";



You may stumbled upon a bug in V10.79D at least as far as the SS CW module.
When the call is entered in the CALL field, either by typing by hand or by

clicking on call in the Rittyrite window the cursor is supposed to jump

backwards to the NR field so you are ready to copy his serial number.  The

SS module under previous WL versions did this, but V10.79D doesn't!

If the call is typed in by hand and then the space bar is hit the cursor

does jump back to the NR field.  However, if the call is clicked on in the

Rittyrite field the cursor jumps forward to the CK field.  This is wrong!

The exchange will start with the serial number and now you must either hit

the space bar 3 times to cycle from CK to SECT, SECT to CALL and then CALL

backward to NR! Or, after clicking on the call in Rittyrite click again in
the NR field to be in the correct position to copy the serial number.

This is a serious defect in this WL module!  Any chance Wayne or Steve can

find a cure by Sat.?  I sure hope so.


Gary AL9A

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Day" <rayday@cox.net>

To: <writelog@contesting.com>

Sent: November 01, 2012 5:31 PM

Subject: [WriteLog] WL and the CW SS

Hi all,
I have WL 11.07D up and running, all tuned up (Win XP, Omni VII) - except
for one thing...
I haven't worked the CW SS with WL before, so I'm not sure if what I'm
experiencing is normal or messed up..
I'm using the RTTYRITE window (CW / Sound Board AFSK / none) and decode CW
and calls pretty good.
SCP is working and some calls highlight themselves and when I click on a
call, the call populates the CALL window. Actually anything with a number
it populates the CALL window.
BUT after a call is inserted in the ENTRY window, when I click on a
number, it re-populates the CALL field, rather than going to NR (or even
I'm used to WL populating the "proper" field sequentially (almost all my
efforts so far have been on RTTY). so what's up? On CW, is the CALL field
the only field that gets populated by clicking? I'm a 2-finger typist, so
LOVE RTTY + WL since I don't need to type ANYTHING - it's all mouse
- life is good! Is CW supposed to be the same way, or am I on my own for
typing in the NR/PR/CK/SEC fields manually?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Ray N6HE

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