The adapter cable should have come with a driver on disk or CD. If
possible, go to the company's website and see if they have a driver you can
download. It sure won't be on your Windows CD.
If Windows recognizes your adapter as COM 2, then you should be able to use
it with WriteLog, depending on what you intend to do with it, and depending
on which adaptor you acquired. Hopefully you will at least be able to do
rig control with it (read freq, cahnge bands etc), but you will NOT likely
do FSK 5-bit Baudot. You might be able to do CW if you have the Writelog
ini file setup right. I had one USB serial adapter "cable" that wouldn't
even do rig control; some will.
You would be a lot better off if you could use a motherboard serial port for
CW, PTT, and/or FSK and use the USB serial adapter for rig control (if yours
is one of the ones that will) or other 7- or 8-bit tasks.
Good luck - many have blazed this path before. ;-) 73 - John (WA9ALS)
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 5:08 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Serial port setup
> Hi Gang,
> Maybe someone can help me with this.
> I just got a USB-to-Serial adapter cable. I now need to get a comm port
> driver to make the new serial port work. I have tried to locate a driver
> from my Win 98 CD and from various Internet sites, but to no avail.
> Can someone pse tell me where to get the needed driver. BTW, I am running
> Win 98 Second Edition.
> Also, once I get the computer to "see" the comm port, will WL recognize it
> Comm 2?
> Tnx & 73, George
> George I. Wagner, K5KG
> Productivity Resources LLC
> 941-312-9450
> 941-312-9460 fax
> 201-415-6044 cell
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