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[WriteLog] Heath SB 610

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Heath SB 610
From: dsinner@tfb.com (Dale Sinner)
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 21:03:55 -0800
I recently acquired a model SB 610 tuning scope but it only partially 
works. It has all the voltages and it has horizontal deflection but no 
vertical deflection. The schematic that came with it is very blurred and 
difficult to read. So I'm looking for someone who might have a good copy or 
original of the schematic that would be willing to send to me. I'll send an 
SASE and cost for your troubles. Also, if anyone has a hint of what might 
be wrong with the unit, I would appreciate your suggestions.
Dale, W6IWO

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